Praline and Choco, our mascots

Praline et Choco, les mascottes chez Pralus

Maison Pralus is pleased to present Praline, a young border collie and Choco, her Australian shepherd companion.

Adopted at the age of three months, they were given a place in the shelter of the Manufacture's vegetable garden where they spent the day, before being able to enjoy 2 hectares of freedom. Immediately adopted by the Pralus teams, they quickly stood guard with the geese and demonstrated their qualities as shepherd dogs when the sheep arrived in the meadow, but also with the chickens or geese that they hold dear. gather. Accomplices since a young age, they announce every morning the arrival of François Pralus, whom they precede into the offices where they enjoy taking a nap under the desks. From the bay windows, they watch for the neighbors' cat to pass by, which they of course hate and run to chase it away at the slightest incursion into their domain! The garden is of course their playground, much to the chagrin of the gardeners who often have to repair the mounds after their visit...

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Les cacaoyers de Roanne
François Pralus décoré par Emmanuel Macron