The Praluline street version at the Lyon Street Food festival

La Praluline version street au Lyon Street Food festival

The first participation of Pralus at the Lyon Street Food Festival was greeted by the public for four days, from June 13 to 16, 2024. For the occasion, Hugo Pralus and his team of pastry chefs, supported by the Pralus boutiques in Lyon, have created a street-food version of the dessert using Praluline. Obviously, the Pralus house was so awaited with its signature pastry. The Praluline was there, but French toast style, snacked on a plancha and accompanied by a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream powdered with pink praline.

The second proposal was a Brioche with lost chocolate chips, accompanied by caramel ice cream and salted butter caramel, homemade of course! A plebiscite, translated in the words of festival-goers as “crazy”, which caused impressive queues in front of the Pralus stand set up at the Sugar Circus. We also saw astonishment, some being surprised that we dared to take their sacrosanct Praluline out of its traditional form, but obviously for their greatest happiness! Find the recipe for Lost Praluline here !

5,000 portions of lost Praluline 

Impressive: that’s the word that translates these four days at Grandes Locos. The 8th edition of the festival was moved to La Mulatière, south of Lyon in the old and gigantic SNCF maintenance hangars. The figures bear this out: on the 20 hectares of this former technicentre, more than 120 chefs and pastry chefs offered 200 recipes created for the occasion, alongside 400 workshops and 60 concerts & DJ sets.

Impressive too, the attendance: from the opening Thursday when forecasts were shattered with 9,000 people and impressive lines in front of the stands, from savory to sweet. At Pralus, the crack team served nearly 5,000 portions over the four days. The Lyon Street Food festival attracted 52,000 visitors over 4 days, a broken record! An appointment has already been made for next year, from June 26 to 29.

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