Open doors to the garden

Portes ouvertes au jardin d'entreprise Pralus

A partner since the beginning of the “100% pleasure 100% health” event led by the city of Roanne, the Pralus house opened the doors of its corporate garden to the public on the first Sunday in June. A sixth edition marked by rain which did not prevent a large audience from coming to meet our gardeners and producers and exhibitors. Patrick and Didier presented the fruit of their work since 2017 and permaculture in particular, practiced in this garden that employees frequent daily to harvest vegetables or take a break.

“100% pleasure 100% health” focuses on climate issues and ecological challenges, presented through practical workshops, activities and visits. A small catering was planned on site, provided in our garden by Pierre Reure, Top chef candidate who had installed his Tambouille caravan in front of our quay. The Pralus house offered an exhibition on the journey of the cocoa bean, decorated with the different states of the cocoa before its transformation into bars. To extend the event, a movie evening under the stars was offered on June 6 in the gardens of the Déchelette museum.

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