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We talk about us...

Noël dans le coulisses de la Manufacture Pralus

Christmas behind the scenes at the Pralus Manufacture

On Christmas Eve, the cameras M6 have slipped behind the scenes of our chocolate laboratories.

Y aura-t-il un (bon) chocolat de Noël ?

Will there be (good) Christmas chocolate?

Will there be (good) chocolate at Christmas? (spoiler: yes)

Gaga de chocolat

Chocolate Gaga

Le Figaro Magazine

La jour où... Auguste Pralus a inventé la Praluline

The day when... Auguste Pralus invented Praluline

Testimony 65 years ago, Auguste Pralus invented a brioche which would very quickly become a flagship product of Roannais: Praluline. Noëlie Pralus, his wife, centenary since December 25, tells the...

Praluline : succès majeur "d'un produit simple et généreux"
Spécialités : la Loire titilles les papilles
La Maison Pralus est dans Gratin !

Maison Pralus is in Gratin!

It seems that the recipe for real Praluline is close to that of happiness Today, Maison Pralus is in Gratin!

Pralus décline la saveur café

Pralus offers coffee flavor

In the Roannais Country Download the article or read it online .

Feuilleton de France 2 : la fève blanche de Madagascar

France 2 soap opera: the white bean from Madagascar

The Salon du Chocolat will open its doors on October 31 in Paris. On this occasion, France 2 went to Madagascar where white beans are grown.

À la Manufacture Pralus, on cultive jardin et bien-être

At the Pralus Manufacture, we cultivate gardens and well-being

Progress Download the article or read it online
